Media & Communication Gate

Media & Communication Gate

This Gate has spiritual and professional oversight responsibility for the media and communications sector in Ghana – to monitor, engage and influence the sphere to achieve Godly policies and practices. 

This marketplace includes private & public sector institutions and players in the PR, Marketing, Technology – Communications & Media ecosystem

Like all other GATES, this gate is guided by A4CG TERMS OF REFERENCE and yearly targets which includes conducting regular and systematic research, discussions and analysis on relevant Laws, Policies, Practices, Trends,  and Issues (LPPTI) related to the Gate.

In 2022 the Gate organized a Social Media Webinar for A4CG MEMBERS in support of the RAINBOW CAMPAIGN spearheaded by the Family Gate

The webinar educated participants about the utility value of social

Media to Mission work, Evangelism, Policy Advocacy etc.

This Media & Communication gate also generally facilitates most of the PR/Media engagements of A4CG programs